All parents have a duty of care for the safe arrival of their children to school. This includes children who arrive on the school bus. Young children are not to be left at the gates unattended at any time.
Please visit our school website for regular updates.
If your child is absent please notify school of absence via Aladdin Connect.
If at any stage you wish to speak with your child’s teacher, please contact the school on 059-9161304 to arrange an appointment.
Please ensure that we have your most up-to-date contact number and email address.
If your child is unwell, please do not send your child to school.
Pupils are expected to wear the full school uniform
Children are not permitted to bring medication (other than prescribed medication) to school. Where a child is on prescribed medication, this must be brought to the attention of the Class Teacher - ref school’s Administration of Medication Policy (available on school website ‘’). A form must be signed every year and presented to the school. Please enquire at the office or from your class teacher.
Also, please note that pupils will no longer be kept in during break.
This year the Department of Education has provided the free Schoolbook Scheme for every pupil in primary school. This scheme covers schoolbooks, workbooks and copybooks. The school will order and provide each pupil with these items in September 2023.
Please note that certain items and services are not covered eg. swimming, school insurance, stationery, certain extracurricular activities, arts and crafts, photocopying and Aladdin Connect.
An Epayment account for each pupil has been set up for the following school services-€40 per pupil
• Photocopying €20 Arts and Crafts €15 Homework Diary/Folders €5
Another Epayment account has been set up for each family for Aladdin Connect. This is €10 per
family. Both payments can also be made to the office.
Payments are to be made by 27th of June 2023.
From time to time, there are instances of headlice in the school. Parents should check for lice in their children’s hair on a regular basis. If lice are detected, treatment should begin immediately, and please inform the school. Once treatment has started, exclusion from school is not necessary. Please ensure that long hair is tied up.
In line with the school’s healthy lunch policy, crisps, biscuits, cakes, minerals (fizzy), sweets, chocolate, chewing gum etc. are not permitted in school.
As St. Patrick’s National School is a ‘Green School’, children are encouraged to use a lunch box and a re-usable drinks container. We look forward to your co-operation in this matter.
The School Meals Scheme resumes in September. Pupils will receive their Hot Lunches and 2 other food items (a piece of fruit and a healthy snack bar) daily from Fresh Today.
Pupils are not permitted to use mobile phones in school or during school activities. Phones must be powered off when pupils enter the school grounds.
The distribution of birthday invitations, Christmas Cards etc. is not permitted in the school or on the school grounds. A child may feel ‘left out’ if s/he does not receive an invitation.
The school believes that a high standard of behaviour requires a strong sense of community within the school and a high level of cooperation among and between staff, pupils and parents. Parents are asked to read through and discuss the school’s Code of Behaviour with their children.
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